1. The Project

The Barcza Gedeon Sport Club successfully applied for the 2021 Visegrad Grants program of the Visegrad Fund. The goal of our "Chess heals everyone" program is to bring together young chess players from the V4 countries. That is why we want to spend a few days together and meaningfully. This will be aided by a number of cultural, leisure and sporting activities. The culmination of the program is the VI. György Ádám Memorial Tournament, which is an international youth chess team competition.

2. Partners

Liptovsky sachovy zvaz - Liptov Chess Union

http://lss.csweb.sk/ - SVK

Kysucká šachová škola - Kysucka chess school

http://www.caissa.sk/skola - SVK

Uczniowski Klub Sportowy "PIONIER" Jastrzebie Zdroj - UKS Pionier

http://www.pionierjastrzebie.com - POL

Fundacja Gens Una Sumus (Klub Szachowy Dwie Wieże Kraków) - Gens Una Sumus Foundation

http://www.dwiewieze.krakow.pl - POL

Gárdos Civil Egyesület - Gardos Civil Association

http://gardos.org/ - SRB

Sárkány Diáksport Egyesület - Sárkány Youth Sports Club

http://www.sarkanydse.hu - HUN

3. Events

Sport programs

Team and individual chess competitions, simultaneous

Cultural programs

Food, music and concert

Leisure programs

Surprise programs indoors and outdoors

4. Schedule

5. Teams

6. Results
